Why are my Product Listings in the wrong category?

Creation date: 3/31/2017 1:07 PM    Updated: 8/13/2020 2:50 PM    categorization category id number connexity category feed issues product listings products display correctly wrong category
Connexity does its best to determine your category placement by looking at the category field in your feed. There are instances where our system predetermines a better placement and moves your products into a different category. 

The best way to ensure that products display correctly is to include a descriptive text or breadcrumbs from your site classification and our system will attempt to auto-classify the item based on the information in the Category column of the data feed.

Good Example: Women's Shoes > Sandals
Bad Example: Shoes

Products listed in the "Other Products" category are generally all new products added to the feed.  These products must go through our enrichment and classification process which can take 48-72 hours. During this time your products may appear in the "Other Products" category. In these instances, please feel free to reach out to Connexity Merchant Services to help with your categorization.