Connexity Data Feed Specs

Creation date: 3/31/2017 10:29 AM    Updated: 8/13/2020 2:54 PM    datafeed feed feed best practices feed requirements feed specifications feed specs
The Basics

What is a data feed?

A data feed is a file that contains all of your product information, such as product titles, URLs, image URLs, price, and other important pieces of information that we use to list your products on our sites.

What type of files do you accept?

Our preferred format is a tab delimited .txt file. We also support Tab, Pipe, Tilde or Comma delimited files and zip files are accepted.  We accept your Google/Bing formatted feeds as well!

Know what you're doing?
  • Download the complete specs and an excel template at the bottom of this page.
General Information
  • We support only delimited text files. Excel or XML files are not supported.
  • Acceptable delimiters: Tab, Pipe, Tilde, or Comma. Field values can be enclosed in quotes
  • Files can be zipped
  • Preferred character encoding is UTF-8.
  • Titles and descriptions should not include control characters
  • File must have a header row and use the exact field names as listed above. Capitalization, space/underscore/dash differences will be normalized
  • Each line must contain the same number of delimiters.
Guidelines and Best Practices
  • Use standard spelling and grammar in your feed.
  • Do not use ALL CAPITALS, symbols, control characters, bullet points or unnecessary punctuation. Type 1 High ASCII characters (®, ©, TM, etc.) or other special characters will not display well.
  • Do not include promotional text such as “Free Shipping” or comparison to competitor items.
  • Do not include any merchant-specific information such as phone numbers, billing or sales information.
  • Do not include promotional text such as “Free Shipping”
  • The information should be relevant to the specific product only; do not mention accessories or similar items.
  • Excessive use of keywords is not permitted in product titles or detailed descriptions.
  • No profanity or offensive language.