Connexity Reporting

Connexity Reports Connexity has 4 types of reports available: Cost & Performance, Account Reconciliation, Credit Card Transactions, and Bidding History.

These reports are available for 13 months of data and can be pulled by preset or custom date ranges. All reports can be exported to Excel or CSV file.

Cost & Performance Report This report can be viewed by daily total, category, subcategory, or product by selecting the appropriate radio button. The report will show total clicks, cost, Average CPC. If the Connexity Performance Tracker is implemented you will also see orders, sales revenue, and cost of sale information.

Account Reconciliation Report The Account Reconciliation Report lists your starting balance, product listing charges, payments, and ending balance by day.

Credit Card Transaction Report This report shows the date and amount of any credit card transactions related to your account.

Bidding History Report Bidding History can be pulled at the subcategory or product level by choosing the appropriate radio button. The report shows the subcategory or product that the bid was changed for with the date, time, and login used to make the change.
